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What kind of book is worth getting?

03/11/2013 21:59

It depends on the reader. What does the reader want out from the book? Does the book have a story in it, like a novel? Does the book teach you something? Or does the book give you some information about something? Such as a self-improvement or self-developement book. If the book has a fantasy in it, it could be a novel or an adventure story to it. I like to learn new things so I look for books that have things I can learn about. Such as Clickbank™ for retailers guide or Attract Money Now by Joe Vitale. Would you buy a physical copy of a book or a Kindle book or a PDF File (Ebook)? Next you want to consider where would you buy your book? Would you buy it on Amazon™, at Ebay™, or some business website that has the book you want for sale. I have made purchases in all those areas. I use the PDF Files the most because they are easiest to use and look so good to read and I enjoy using Adobe Acrobat™ more than Kindle, and having a physical copy takes up space in your home. Unless you have room on your book shelf for a physical book. I would highly recommend getting an Ebook that you want. If you choose to buy an Ebook you can save them on your hard drive and read it anytime you have time. I recommend reading one book at a time.


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